Top 5 Ways to Breeze Through Laundry


Top 5 Ways to Breeze Through Laundry

Here are some ways to breeze through your laundry like a boss:

  • Wash your clothes less often: Not every item of clothing needs to be washed after every wear. You can save time, water, and energy by washing your clothes only when they are dirty or smelly. 
  • Eliminate sorting with multiple hampers: Sorting your clothes by color or fabric can be a hassle. You can make it easier by having two or more hampers in your closet, one for whites, one for colors, and one for delicates.
  • Use less detergent: Using too much detergent can actually make your clothes dirtier, as it leaves behind residue that attracts more dirt and bacteria. You can save money and improve your laundry results by using only the recommended amount of detergent, or even less.
  • Load and unload like a pro: Loading and unloading your washer and dryer can be time-consuming and tedious. You can speed up the process by using laundry bags or mesh bags to group your clothes by type, such as socks, underwear, shirts, etc.
  • Fold and hang your clothes in seconds: Folding and hanging your clothes can be the most boring part of doing laundry. You can make it more fun and efficient by learning some tricks to fold and hang your clothes in seconds.
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